“Every kid dreams about flying, but as you grow up, the dream becomes reality, so it was in my case,” says Raul Strete, flight attendant.

    These are the words of a flight attendant who actually made it. 

    “At first, I didn’t even imagine that my life will guide me through the sky when I was having so much that was keeping on the ground. At first, I owned a pub in the center of Targu Mures and also worked in constructions in Paris. Was I satisfied? Yes but only for a period, I saved some money but there was no thrill and joy left for me, and that I could not accept!”

    Photo from personal archive

    After a few years and a few financiary knockdowns, our courageous young man decided to try aplying as a flight attendant. 

    “I didn’t have a single clue that this job could become a lifestyle, but I am a travelling man so I tought this was best suited for a character like mine. At that point I didn’t have anything to lose, so why not give it a shot.”

    Lots of people imagine that this job only presumes smilling and flying but there is so much more than that, because if it would be so easy then all of us would be flight attendants. 

    This job requires a good and joyfull spirit, a healthy body and mind to sustain the efforts and of course a lot of determination and patience, plus this job also requires a person who is ready for any competition at all times. 

    “Don’t think about this job as a typical one. Because it’s not! Most of the times I wake up at 4 a.m., surprise wake up calls, delays or flight cancellations which will definetly turn all your plans upside down, these are just a few of the problems that we encounter.”

    There are lots of good aspects too, like learning especially good manners, perks which can help you in life. You have the ocassion to travel the world and not give a penny and more importantly you never take your work home with you, which for some could be decisive facts and requirements from life itself and if you add these few aspects you get a good balance between work and personal life. 

    “But for a good job everything must be perfect and there is no other way! Everytime i finish preparing food and beverages, in which I put heart. They must be perfect, and more importantly, after every service I fulfill I take a few moments to interact with the customers to see if their needs were satisfied, plus the joy of seeing them happy. It also gives the customer an extra safety which means my mission is accomplished and all will go according to the plan.”

    Of course the aplication for the job is not easy as with every generation of future flight attendants only a few make it to the real thing with the help of theoretical and practical exams conducted only by acredited professionals. 

    It’s 2020 and let’s not forget the damage caused by the COVID-19 outbreak which emerged and affected everyone in a way or two.

    “Imagine being used to travel for years continuously and you just wake up and receive a call that everything is compromised. That was a demolisher for me and my schedule but there wasn’t anything to do but keeping my faith and waiting. For sure there were lots of fee cuts and even lots of people quited or were fired but I talked to everyone to make them understand that if we remain calm everything will pass and we’ll get back to normal. Easilly but slowly it happens and I am sure that my schedule will get back to normal. Also it was a good chance to finally spend some quality time with my loved ones.”

    Photo from personal archive

    For him there is nothing compared to the thrill of the flight and if people keep their focus on and use their time with care, every obstacle would dissapear exactly like in this young man’s case.

    Article photo: Sheila on Pexels